In December 2021, Lyle’s Lunchbox partnered with the Community Sharing Food Pantry in Mauston, WI, to provide Winter Break bags to 200 children who would otherwise experience significant hunger during the weeks they are home on break. These precious children (and their parents) rely on the Free and Reduced Breakfast and Lunch Program to provide two meals every school day, and when they aren’t in school…things get hard.
Pandemic-related unemployment presented new challenges for struggling families. Together, we were able to provide the following for each child:
– 7 breakfasts
– 7 lunches
– healthy snacks including beef sticks, cheese sticks, and fresh fruit
– a coupon for half-gallon of white milk at a local grocer
– a handmade card, drawn by a child for a child
Each student also received a Personal Care Kit including:
-facial tissues
-cough drops
-Band-Aids, deodorant, or feminine hygiene products, depending on the child’s needs.
Thank you for your choice to join us in this important work. Every dollar donated makes a significant difference in what we are able to provide these hungry children.