We achieved a major milestone in 2019; we surpassed 10,000 meals provided! In under three years, we have provided a total of 10,868 winter break meals to hungry children.
Even though fewer children needed our assistance this year (262 students, down from 300 in previous years), Mauston’s winter break was longer than in past years, and we wanted to make sure students didn’t go hungry despite the longer break. We gave an extra breakfast, lunch, snacks, and drinks to each child to feed them during the additional day of winter break. Overall, we provided 3,668 meals to our students in 2019. We also listened to the feedback our students and their families gave us, and added the option of fresh apples, thanks to Brux Orchards in Mauston, WI, and macaroni and cheese – something many students requested.
One detail which really touched our hearts this year was that parents started asking in August if we were going to provide winter break bags again. It was so heartwarming to see parents know they can count on us to help feed their children!

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